Areas of legal aid
Commercial company law
The law firm places great emphasis on counseling regarding the rights of commercialcompanies on the Slovak market. JUDr. Mária Majeriková is the author of many professional articles and publications in the area of commercialand enterprise law, in particular regarding trading companies, and is a co-author of an in-depth commentary on the Slovak Commercial Code, concentrating mainly on business companies. To her perfect familiarity with the Slovak legal environment she adds extensive knowledge on the legal settings for corporate bodies in countries within the European economic space, Austria and Germany in particular. Consultancy in this area is focused on the resolution of issues related to all legal forms of business groupings. Along with legal aid in the foundation, change or closing-down of trading companies, the office has extensive practical experience with the elaboration of restructuring projects for significant firms from various branches of Slovak industry. It also specializes in the execution of legal audits for companies, for the purpose of the sale or acquisition of shares in Slovak firms during their restructuring processes.
Popri právnej pomoci pri zakladaní, zmene alebo zrušení obchodných spoločností má kancelárie bohaté praktické skúsenosti aj s vypracovaním reštrukturalizačných projektov pre významné firmy z rôznych odvetví slovenského priemyslu, ako aj s vykonávaním právneho auditu firiem za účelom ich predaja alebo nadobudnutia obchodných podielov na slovenských firmách v procese ich reštrukturalizácie.